Archive for February, 2009

F-bomb: Threat or free speech?

by   |  02.26.09  |  Free Speech, profanity

We’ve discussed this. More »

Senate bars FCC from revisiting Fairness Doctrine

by   |  02.26.09  |  fairness doctrine

The Associated Press: Senate bars FCC from revisiting Fairness Doctrine. More »

Utah Committee OKs Vid Game Ad Bill

by   |  02.25.09  |  Current Events, Video Games, video game violence

GamePolitics is a blog that follows video game current events. More »

Court Strikes Down Calif. Video Game Law

by   |  02.20.09  |  Current Events, Video Games, video game violence

This comes as no surprise. More »

Court revives Jews for Jesus libel suit

by   |  02.19.09  |  Current Events, Libel

We’ll talk about false light Tuesday, but you should also note the final sentence in this story: More »

Time for a muzzle

by   |  02.16.09  |  Free Speech, Internet speech

This column refers to a couple of current events: Juicy Campus and the posting of names of supporters of Proposition 8. It’s a good example of the modern arguments against free speech. More »

F-bomb: Threat or free speech? N.H. Court to decide –

by   |  02.14.09  |  Current Events

F-bomb: Threat or free speech? N.H. Court to decide – More »

Rapelay virtual rape game banned by Amazon

by   |  02.13.09  |  Video Games, video game violence

Rapelay virtual rape game banned by Amazon More »

Clinton wants ‘more balance’ on airwaves

by   |  02.13.09  |  fairness doctrine

More on the Fairness Doctrine, this blog entry regarding former President Bill Clinton’s views. More »

SPJ Applauds Congress For Libel Tourism Hearing

by   |  02.12.09  |  Libel

We’ll talk about “libel tourism” sometime in the next two class periods. More »