Archive for May, 2016

U.S. justices reject challenge to protest ban on Supreme Court plaza

by   |  05.17.16  |  Free Speech

By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a challenge to a law that hits the justices close to home: a ban on protests on the marble plaza in front of the courthouse where they hear cases and issue rulings. The court left in place a 2015 ruling by the U.S. More »

Paul Robert Cohen and “his” Famous Free-Speech Case | Newseum Institute

by   |  05.04.16  |  Free Speech

This is a fascinating story about Paul Cohen, who’s jacket launched a thousand comm law discussions and one famous case. More »

U.S. Supreme Court to judge spirit of copyright law in cheerleading uniform case | Dallas Morning News

by   |  05.02.16  |  Free Speech

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to use a clash between rival makers of cheerleading outfits to clarify the scope of federal copyright protection for pictures and graphic designs. More »

Supreme Court Could Weigh In on Redskins Trademark Case

by   |  05.02.16  |  Copyright and Trademark

If the court takes up cases regarding the names of the N.F.L. team and an Asian-American band, it could test a distinctly American commitment to free speech. More »