Archive for March, 2019

Steve McQueen’s Son Sues Tom Ford Over Cardigan Line | Hollywood Reporter

by   |  03.31.19  |  Free Speech

The late actor’s heir says the fashion brand is trying to capitalize on McQueen’s iconic status to sell sweaters.

Source: Steve McQueen’s Son Sues Tom Ford Over Cardigan Line | Hollywood Reporter More »

Hip hop artists to Supreme Court: Pittsburgh rapper’s lyrics are not ‘a true threat of violence’ – CNNPolitics

by   |  03.07.19  |  Free Speech

Several famous rappers are urging the US Supreme Court to take up a case involving a Pittsburgh rapper and whether his song lyrics are protected under the First Amendment.

Source: Hip hop artists to Supreme Court: Pittsburgh rapper’s lyrics are not ‘a true threat of violence’ – CNNPolitics More »