Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Tweet this: You’re being sued

by   |  05.04.09  |  Current Events, Libel

The first libel suit against a Twitter user was launched in March, in the United States. It joins a growing class of suits against bloggers, message-board posters and social network users. More »

Mass. Abortion-Free Speech Buffer Zone Gets Appeals Court Hearing

by   |  05.04.09  |  Current Events, Free Speech, protest

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit will hold a hearing on Tuesday concerning an appeal of a judges decision rejecting a free speech challenge to a new buffer zone. Pro-life advocates say the buffer zone limits the free speech rights of abortion protestors and sidewalk counselors. More »

Pirate Bay four jailed for breaking copyright in Swedish file-sharing trial

by   |  04.17.09  |  Copyright and Trademark, Current Events

Pirate Bay four jailed for breaking copyright in Swedish file-sharing trial. More »

S.C. Court Awards $1.8M Libel Judgment Against Blogger

by   |  04.15.09  |  Current Events, Libel

South Carolina Court Awards $1.8 Million Libel Judgment Against Blogger More »

Colorado District Court: Copyright Act Violates First Amendment

by   |  04.14.09  |  Copyright and Trademark, Current Events, Video Games » Blog Archive » Colorado District Court: Copyright Act Violates First Amendment (Golan v. Holder). More »

Judge wont seek to limit online comments

by   |  04.14.09  |  Current Events, Free Press/Fair Trial

Judge wont seek to limit online comments on carjack case : Christian-Newsom : Knoxville News Sentinel. More »

Action Comics #1 – A Legal Issue?

by   |  04.04.09  |  Copyright and Trademark, Current Events

You can’t beat the combination of Superman and copyright. More »

Advertisers brace for online viral marketing curbs

by   |  04.03.09  |  Commercial Speech, Current Events

“Revised guidelines on endorsements and testimonials by the Federal Trade Commission, now under review and expected to be adopted, would hold companies liable for untruthful statements made by bloggers and users of social networking sites who receive samples of their products.” More »

Libel suit against Malverne superintendent dismissed —

by   |  03.27.09  |  Current Events

Libel suit against Malverne superintendent dismissed — More »

Courtney Love Sued By Fashion Designer For Libel And More | AHN | March 27, 2009

by   |  03.27.09  |  Current Events

Courtney Love Sued By Fashion Designer For Libel And More | AHN | March 27, 2009. More »