Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Preacher files free-speech suit against city after arrest

by   |  01.22.08  |  Current Events

New York Takes on "Libel Tourism"

by   |  01.21.08  |  Current Events

UCSC: Conduct not free speech

by   |  01.21.08  |  Current Events

Tree-sitting as free speech? I guess if you can burn the flag…

The New York Supreme Courts

by   |  01.17.08  |  Current Events

Overbeck refers to this practice in New York, and blogger Orin Kerr discusses it today on The Volokh Conspiracy. Thought you might find it interesting, too. More »

Court Upholds NY Judicial Elections

by   |  01.16.08  |  Current Events

This case isn’t one we’ll discuss in class, but it shows the expansive nature of the First Amendment. Daniel Johnson, Kelsi Peace and three others of us saw the oral arguments for this case at the Supreme Court in October. More »

Unmuzzling High School Journalists

by   |  01.14.08  |  prior restraint

N.Y. lawmakers offer legislation to protect authors

by   |  01.14.08  |  Current Events

Google can bid in wireless auction: regulators

by   |  01.14.08  |  Broadcast Regulation, Media Ownership

Buddy Holly’s Widow Threatens to Sue ‘Peggy Sue’ Over Book

by   |  01.12.08  |  Current Events

Judges: Anti-Clinton Film Is Advertising

by   |  01.10.08  |  Current Events