Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Briles Drops Libel Lawsuit Against Baylor Officials

by   |  02.03.17  |  Free Speech, Libel

Former football coach Art Briles has dropped the defamation lawsuit filed against four Baylor University officials that he accused of making false statements against him, according to attorneys in the case.

Source: Briles Drops Libel Lawsuit Against Baylor Officials More »

Radio station hacked, anti-Trump profanity aired, station says – Houston Chronicle

by   |  02.02.17  |  broadcast decency

A South Carolina radio station was hacked Monday night and profanity against President Donald Trump was played repeatedly, according to the broadcasters. More »

Law school naming dispute hits impasse – Houston Chronicle

by   |  02.02.17  |  Copyright and Trademark

Houston’s two embattled law schools alerted a federal judge on Wednesday morning that their sluggish settlement discussions in a trademark dispute had reached a standstill. Next up: Mediation.

Source: Law school naming dispute hits impasse – Houston Chronicle More »

UC Berkeley cancels right-wing provocateur’s talk amid violent protest

by   |  02.02.17  |  prior restraint

A protest at UC Berkeley over a scheduled appearance by right-wing provocateur Milo Yiannopoulos turned fiery and violent Wednesday night, prompting police to cancel the event and hustle the Breitbart News editor off campus. More »

Melania Trump’s libel suit against blogger going forward

by   |  01.29.17  |  Libel

Trump sued The Daily Mail and Maryland blogger Webster Griffin Tarpley in September 2016 for allegedly false and defamatory statements about her past. More »

A look at the reported top contenders for the Supreme Court – The Washington Post

by   |  01.29.17  |  Supreme Court

Judge Thomas Hardiman

A look at Neil Gorsuch, Thomas Hardiman and William Pryor, the federal appeals court judges who are seen as the leading candidates to be President Donald Trump’s nominee for the Supreme Court. Each was appointed to the appellate bench by President George W. Bush, appeared on Trump’s list of 21 possible choices that he made public during the campaign and has met with Trump to discuss the vacancy that arose when Justice Antonin Scalia died nearly a year ago. Trump plans to announce the nominee on Thursday. More »

Trump White House freezes information coming out of federal agencies, reports say | Dallas News

by   |  01.29.17  |  prior restraint

Source: Trump White House freezes information coming out of federal agencies, reports say | Donald Trump | Dallas News More »

Opinion | No, Madonna’s ‘I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House’ isn’t a threat of violence

by   |  01.21.17  |  political speech

More »

US appeals court reinstates suit over Missouri alcohol ads | News |

by   |  01.21.17  |  Commercial Speech

KANSAS CITY (AP) — A federal appeals court on Thursday revived a lawsuit challenging Missouri regulations that broadcasters and others say illegally limit how they can market alcohol. More »

Federal court affirms limits on Inauguration Day protests

by   |  01.21.17  |  Free Speech

A federal appeals court on Tuesday shot down protesters’ challenge of regulations that allow Donald Trump’s Presidential Inauguration Committee first dibs on the location of bleachers along the Friday More »