Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Today in History: Socialist Eugene Debs Sentenced to Prison for Giving Anti-War Speech

by   |  09.14.16  |  Free Speech

In case in which the government and the courts rejected the First Amendment. More »

Katie Couric, ‘Under the Gun’ Director Face $13M Defamation Lawsuit | Hollywood Reporter

by   |  09.13.16  |  Free Speech

A pro-gun group contends that Couric’s question didn’t leave them speechless — allegedly deceptive editing accomplished that. More »

Court voids heart of Texas Highway Beautification Act

by   |  08.30.16  |  Free Speech

A state appeals court has overturned a law that allowed Texas officials to regulate signs along highways and interstates, saying key sections of the 1972 Texas Highway Beautification Act violate free speech rights. More »

FCC votes to keep media ownership rules: report

by   |  08.15.16  |  Free Speech

The rules keep companies from owning both a broadcast station and a newspaper in a town. More »

California (unintentionally?) recriminalizes libel — and criminalizes disclosure of private facts, right of publicity infringements and more – The Washington Post

by   |  07.28.16  |  Libel, Privacy

California’s broadly written “identity theft” statute is being read to criminalize pretty much any intentional tort that uses a person’s name — including ones that no one had expected would be made criminal. More »

Michael Jackson’s Nephews File $100M Libel Suit Against ‘Radar Online’ Over ‘Sleazy’ Porn Allegations

by   |  07.28.16  |  Free Speech

Michael Jackson’s nephews are taking Radar Online to court over stories that allege they were sexually abused by their uncle and accepted gifts to cover it up, stemming from purported documents from a 2003 raid of Neverland Ranch. More »

Libel by implication, HIV and the porography industry

by   |  07.26.16  |  Libel

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Bozeman legislator sues letter writer for defamation

by   |  07.26.16  |  Libel

The legislator will have to prove actual malice, of course. But the more significant challenge may be the substantial truth doctrine depending on how Montana courts apply it. More »

Rolling Stone libel suit over discredited rape article dismissed

by   |  07.01.16  |  Libel

A federal judge dismissed a libel suit against Rolling Stone brought by three members of a University of Virginia fraternity identified as the site of a gang rape in an article that has since been discredited. More »

Leonardo DiCaprio must testify in “Wolf of Wall Street” libel case


by   |  06.20.16  |  Libel

Leonardo DiCaprio must testify in “Wolf of Wall Street” libel case More »