Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Court: State Can Deny Funds for “Machete” Producers | The Texas Tribune

by   |  01.31.16  |  Free Speech

The Texas Film Commission acted within its authority when it decided after the release of the film “Machete” to deny its producers state incentive funds, a court ruled Friday.

Source: Court: State Can Deny Funds for “Machete” Producers | The Texas Tribune More »

FCC votes to expand its database on political advertising

by   |  01.29.16  |  Free Speech

Cable TV, satellite and radio will have to provide online access to their political files. More »

My other case is …

by   |  01.28.16  |  Free Speech

This this is a trademark law case, and it’s interesting in its own right; but the discussion of the “American rule” is just as interesting. Some will argue a “loser pays” rule discourages justice and has a chilling effect on access to the courts, but this post offers a pretty good summary of the other side, which is persuasive to me. (I’d suspect I’m in the minority as a lawyer on this question.) More »

Fire in a Crowded Theater

by   |  01.27.16  |  Free Speech

Bryan Lewis asked yesterday about Holmes’ “falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater” analogy when talking about Schenck’s opposition to the U.S. involvement in World War I. Bryan asked what about when people are wrong in their speech but they honestly believe there’s a fire. More »

Bill Cosby wins in court; defamation lawsuit dismissed –

by   |  01.22.16  |  Free Speech

A federal judge in Pennsylvania sides with comedian Bill Cosby and grants his motion to dismiss a defamation lawsuit by Renita Hill. More »

Texas latest state to call daily fantasy sports illegal

by   |  01.21.16  |  Free Speech

Source: Texas latest state to call daily fantasy sports illegal More »

Poll: 10% of college graduates think Judge Judy on SCOTUS –

by   |  01.20.16  |  Free Speech

Thanks to Hannah Little for pointing us to this incredibly depressing story. “Judge Judy” is worth negative points on any upcoming exams… More »

Nestle fails to trademark Kit Kat’s ‘four finger’ shape

by   |  01.20.16  |  Free Speech

Cadbury has stopped rival Nestle from trademarking the 4-finger shape of the KitKat and can now make its own version More »

The Supreme Court will consider: When does government discrimination against churches violate the First Amendment? – The Washington Post

by   |  01.18.16  |  Free Speech

Missouri gives grants for resurfacing playgrounds with scrap tire products — but excludes playgrounds affiliated with religious institutions. Is that constitutional? More »

Monkey Can’t Own Copyright To His Selfie, Federal Judge Says

by   |  01.18.16  |  Free Speech

A district judge in San Francisco said that Congress and the president can choose to “extend the protection of law to animals as well as humans” — but that for now, no, monkeys can’t own copyrights. More »