Kenneth Pybus's Archive

Vienna church says Fairfax County sign rules violate First Amendment – The Washington Post

by   |  08.30.12  |  Free Speech

Vienna church says Fairfax County sign rules violate First Amendment More »

Establishment of Religion

by   |  08.30.12  |  Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause

So, Amanda was right in class. I was about 100 years off when it came to France’s disestablishment from the Catholic Church. A 1905 law instituted the separation of Church and State and prohibited the government from “recognizing, salarying or subsidizing any religion.” Other governments and churches in Europe have maintained varying levels of connections to the current day. More »

Research Paper Topics (F12)

by   |  08.30.12  |  Free Speech

Students, More »

Federal appeals court strikes down FDA tobacco warning label law

by   |  08.27.12  |  Commercial Speech

  More »

Fan fiction has a place in literature

by   |  08.21.12  |  Copyright and Trademark

Fan fiction has a place in literature More »

The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Memory Holes, part 2

by   |  08.09.12  |  Europe, Privacy

The Volokh Conspiracy » Legal Memory Holes, part 2. More »

Google Should Pay $750 a Book, Authors Say in E-Book Suit – Bloomberg

by   |  08.04.12  |  Copyright and Trademark

Google Should Pay $750 a Book, Authors Say in E-Book Suit – Bloomberg. More »

Defining Religious Liberty Down –

by   |  07.30.12  |  Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause

From Comm Law alum (and Harvard Law School alum) April Ward. A good opinion piece on what the First Amendment means when it says “free exercise.” More »

Catholic business owners score win against ObamaCare mandate

by   |  07.27.12  |  Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause

Catholic business owners score win against ObamaCare mandate More »

Harvey Weinstein Calls for Filmmaker Summit on Violence in Movies After Colorado Shooting – The Hollywood Reporter

by   |  07.26.12  |  Free Speech, Violence

Harvey Weinstein Calls for Filmmaker Summit on Violence in Movies After Colorado Shooting – The Hollywood Reporter. More »