Archive for ‘Free Speech’

3-D Printed Guns May Be Headed to the Supreme Court: An Update – Lawfare

by   |  01.06.18  |  Free Speech

The Supreme Court is considering a cert petition on the constitutional implications of 3-D printed guns. More »

Top-selling German newspaper says new online hate speech law must be scrapped

by   |  01.04.18  |  Europe, Free Speech, Internet speech

BERLIN (Reuters) – A new law meant to curtail hate speech on social media in Germany is stifling free speech and making martyrs out of anti-immigrant politicians whose posts are deleted, the top-selling Bild newspaper said on Thursday. More »

D.C. Allowed to Exclude Religious Ads from Buses – Volokh Conspiracy :

by   |  12.20.17  |  Free Speech

[1.] When the government opens up its own property to certain kinds of private speech or speakers, the law treats this program as a so-called “limited public forum,” or sometimes a “nonpublic forum.” One classic example is when a university provides funds to a wide range of student newspapers, see Rosenberger v. Rector (1995). Another is when a city sells advertising on city buses, see Lehman v. City of Shaker Heights (1974). In either a limited public forum or a nonpublic forum, the government may restrict the cont More »

Can Repeated Speech Be Criminalized Just Because It’s Intended to “Seriously Annoy”? – Volokh Conspiracy :

by   |  12.20.17  |  Free Speech

No, says the New Jersey Supreme Court in an opinion that sharply limits the state criminal harassment statute. More »

Free speech as seen by a believer in an Abrahamic religion | Free Speech Debate

by   |  12.02.17  |  Free Speech

Islam, Christianity and Judaism are often accused of wanting to restrict free speech. Dominic Burbidge suggests a radically different perspective, from inside the thought-system of the Abrahamic faiths.

Source: Free speech as seen by a believer in an Abrahamic religion | Free Speech Debate More »

Judge issues ruling on Albany High online posting lawsuits

by   |  11.30.17  |  Free Speech, Internet speech, student speech

The lawsuits were filed on behalf of 10 students disciplined after the discovery of the Instagram account in March. More »

Victory! Court rules cheerleaders can paint Bible verse banners | Fox News

by   |  10.01.17  |  Free Speech, student speech

The Court of Appeals for the Ninth District Court of Texas ruled late Thursday in favor of the Kountze cheerleaders – declaring the inspirational Bible verses painted on run-through banners are private speech. More »

Los Angeles Bans Photos at Concerts in Public Park

by   |  08.14.17  |  Free Speech

JMC alum and Nashville photographer Bill Hobbs drew my attention to another case like this in Music City. Apparently, after Hobbs complained to the city about the unconstitutional restriction, event organizers removed the ban. More »


by   |  05.23.17  |  Free Speech

Once More, With Stealing Dept. More »

California AG agrees: California law does not preclude private citizens from displaying Confederate battle flag at county fairs – The Washington Post

by   |  05.23.17  |  Free Speech

A California county fair had concluded the contrary in 2015. More »