Archive for ‘Free Speech’

FCC votes to keep media ownership rules: report

by   |  08.15.16  |  Free Speech

The rules keep companies from owning both a broadcast station and a newspaper in a town. More »

Michael Jackson’s Nephews File $100M Libel Suit Against ‘Radar Online’ Over ‘Sleazy’ Porn Allegations

by   |  07.28.16  |  Free Speech

Michael Jackson’s nephews are taking Radar Online to court over stories that allege they were sexually abused by their uncle and accepted gifts to cover it up, stemming from purported documents from a 2003 raid of Neverland Ranch. More »

U.S. justices reject challenge to protest ban on Supreme Court plaza

by   |  05.17.16  |  Free Speech

By Lawrence Hurley WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected a challenge to a law that hits the justices close to home: a ban on protests on the marble plaza in front of the courthouse where they hear cases and issue rulings. The court left in place a 2015 ruling by the U.S. More »

Paul Robert Cohen and “his” Famous Free-Speech Case | Newseum Institute

by   |  05.04.16  |  Free Speech

This is a fascinating story about Paul Cohen, who’s jacket launched a thousand comm law discussions and one famous case. More »

U.S. Supreme Court to judge spirit of copyright law in cheerleading uniform case | Dallas Morning News

by   |  05.02.16  |  Free Speech

The U.S. Supreme Court agreed to use a clash between rival makers of cheerleading outfits to clarify the scope of federal copyright protection for pictures and graphic designs. More »

News industry unions, managers unite to back Herald “Freedom of Speech” campaign (From Herald Scotland)

by   |  03.16.16  |  British law, Europe, Free Speech, Libel

Scotland’s news media industry has united to back The Herald’s campaign for libel reform. More »

Waco judge rules Texas online impersonation law unconstitutional, violates First Amendment – Courts And Trials – Waco Trib

by   |  03.13.16  |  Free Speech

A McLennan County judge ruled that a law used to jail a man for posting nude photos of his ex-wife on bogus Facebook profiles is overly broad and unconstitutional. More »

Wal-Mart seeks to move libel case to federal court

by   |  03.12.16  |  Free Speech

BECKLEY — Wal-Mart wants a slander and libel case against the company to be heard in federal court. More »

Erin Andrews Awarded $55 Million in Lawsuit

by   |  03.07.16  |  Free Speech, Privacy

Can’t find offhand what she sued for, but I assume intrusion upon seclusion, public disclosure of private fact and emotional distress. More »

Justice Thomas poses questions, stuns Supreme Court crowd

by   |  02.29.16  |  Free Speech, Supreme Court

scotusJustice Clarence Thomas broke 10 years of silence and provoked audible gasps at the Supreme Court on Monday when he posed questions from the bench during an oral argument.

Source: Justice Thomas poses questions, stuns Supreme Court crowd More »