Archive for ‘Free Speech’

Pilot program for course evaluation

by   |  09.10.13  |  Free Speech

I’ve agreed to participate in an effort to improve faculty course evaluations this semester, so apparently you’ll be getting a message to that effect soon. Below is the statement Dr. Straughn, the dean of our college, has sent for me to pass along to you. More »

Google Says Mosley Suit Over Sex-Party Search Defies Free Speech

by   |  09.04.13  |  Free Speech

Google Says Mosley Suit Over Sex-Party Search Defies Free Speech More »

Being rude to President of France now allowed: Lawmakers repeal 130-year-old ban after EU human rights court intervenes | Mail Online

by   |  07.25.13  |  Free Speech

Being rude to President of France now allowed: Lawmakers repeal 130-year-old ban after EU human rights court intervenes | Mail Online. More »

Fear: The greatest threat to free speech

by   |  07.20.13  |  Free Speech

Fear: The greatest threat to free speech More »

Asiana to sue TV station, but not NTSB | Travel – Home

by   |  07.15.13  |  Free Speech

Asiana to sue TV station, but not NTSB | Travel – Home. More »

Local man found not guilty in chalk vandalsim case

by   |  07.01.13  |  Free Speech

Local man found not guilty in chalk vandalsim case More »

Free speech outside Supreme Court: Ban on protests in plaza struck down

by   |  06.13.13  |  Free Speech

Free speech outside Supreme Court: Ban on protests in plaza struck down More »

Can protesters wave gruesome signs? Supreme Court declines free speech case

by   |  06.11.13  |  Free Speech

Can protesters wave gruesome signs? Supreme Court declines free speech case More »

Facebook Defends ‘Like’ Button, Says Its Vital For Free Speech

by   |  05.17.13  |  Free Speech

Facebook Defends ‘Like’ Button, Says Its Vital For Free Speech More »

Sons of Confederate Veterans claims Va. city’s limit on Confederate flag muzzles its speech

by   |  05.16.13  |  Free Speech

Sons of Confederate Veterans claims Va. city’s limit on Confederate flag muzzles its speech More »