Archive for ‘Free Speech’

Court to re-hear arguments in Clinton movie case

by   |  09.03.09  |  Free Speech, political speech

The Supreme Court his hear arguments again on Thursday related to this case, Citizens United v. FEC. I believe the question is whether campaign finance reform is of such a compelling interest that free speech protections can be narrowed. More »

Facebook urged to remove Holocaust-denial groups

by   |  05.08.09  |  Current Events, Free Speech, Internet speech

The effort is being led my the brother of Dallas Maverick’s owner Mark Cuban. More »

Mass. Abortion-Free Speech Buffer Zone Gets Appeals Court Hearing

by   |  05.04.09  |  Current Events, Free Speech, protest

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 1st Circuit will hold a hearing on Tuesday concerning an appeal of a judges decision rejecting a free speech challenge to a new buffer zone. Pro-life advocates say the buffer zone limits the free speech rights of abortion protestors and sidewalk counselors. More »

F-bomb: Threat or free speech?

by   |  02.26.09  |  Free Speech, profanity

We’ve discussed this. More »

Time for a muzzle

by   |  02.16.09  |  Free Speech, Internet speech

This column refers to a couple of current events: Juicy Campus and the posting of names of supporters of Proposition 8. It’s a good example of the modern arguments against free speech. More »

PETA dresses in KKK garb outside Westminster Dog Show –

by   |  02.11.09  |  Free Speech, political speech

PETA dresses in KKK garb outside Westminster Dog Show More »

Man charged with felony after flipping finger

by   |  02.07.09  |  Free Speech

This is probably an exception to the general rule. A protective order banning communication between individuals requires a showing of string likelihood of potential harm. More »

The right to insult?

by   |  02.01.09  |  Current Events, Free Speech, prior restraint

This is one of the dumbest things I’ve read in a long time. You can boil this column down to a single idea — offensive things that i agree with should be protected; other things should not be. You believe in free speech only if you defend things that offend you. More »

Student gets last word in speech suit

by   |  01.28.09  |  Current Events, Free Speech

Yuba College had established a public forum and its “free speech hour” policy violated that forum. Here‘s the story. More »

ACLU backs black author ticketed for using n-word

by   |  01.28.09  |  Free Speech, prior restraint, profanity

This story is reminiscent of Cohen’s jacket. It may be poor taste, but it can’t be illegal. More »