Archive for ‘Free Speech’

Trying to Bulldoze Free Speech

by   |  01.28.09  |  Current Events, Free Speech, Libel

Trying to Bulldoze Free Speech More »

Targeting speech to snuff out terror

by   |  01.23.09  |  Free Speech

The First Amendment Center has a strong discussion of efforts to relax Brandenburg during a time of war. More »

Dutch Lawmaker, Charged With Insulting Islam, Fears Prison Sentence

by   |  01.22.09  |  Current Events, Europe, Free Speech

Cases like this make me wonder why some people extoll the virtues of European law. More »

Jay M. Near

by   |  11.08.08  |  Comm Law Characters, Free Speech


Obama Sign In Yard Stirs Up Neighbors

by   |  10.02.08  |  Free Speech

33 Pastors Flout Tax Law With Political Sermons

by   |  09.29.08  |  Free Speech

Community College atheists put up ‘gay Jesus’ poster

by   |  08.27.08  |  Free Speech

This is the student handbook language: “Harassing any person(s) verbally, in writing, by graphic illustration, or physically, including any abuse, defamatory comments, signs or signals intended to mock or ridicule race, religion, age, sex, color, disability, sexual orientation, or national or ethnic origin” is not allowed. More »

Hate speech or free speech? What much of West bans is protected in U.S.

by   |  06.12.08  |  Free Speech

Anti-abortion groups were told to turn posters away

by   |  03.03.08  |  Free Speech

First Amendment and Anti-Muslin Speech

by   |  02.13.08  |  Free Speech