Archive for ‘Free Speech’

Free Speech, Minus the N-Word

by   |  09.08.07  |  Free Speech, profanity

Hate crimes bill faces veto

by   |  05.03.07  |  Free Speech

Des Plaines censure rule would stifle free speech, expert says

by   |  03.03.07  |  Free Speech, Open Government

Gingrich: Free Speech Should Be Curtailed To Fight Terrorism

by   |  11.29.06  |  First Amendment, Free Speech

Newt Gingrich is starting to sound lot like John McCain: “The First Amendment is all well and good, but…” More »

Free speech is for hated speech

by   |  11.27.06  |  Free Speech

I can’t defend the “n-word.” I can’t defend the “f-word.” I can’t defend the “u-word.” (You’re thinking hard, aren’t you.) However, they are just words – tools to express ideas. More »

Death row inmates’ pages on MySpace draws criticism

by   |  11.12.06  |  Free Speech

If you’re a MySpace user, here’s the site for Robert Shields, who was executed by the state of Texas in August for stabbing to death his parents’ next door neighbor in Friendswood. More »

The Power of Coffee

by   |  04.12.05  |  Free Speech

I have planned two Coffee House Thursday events during the Maymester Comm Law trip to Oxford. During the late 1600s and early 1700s in England, the coffee house became the center of free exchange of opinion and discussion, much like dinner clubs in Germany and wine salons in France. They were the initial laboratories of the marketplace of ideas concept. More »