Archive for ‘Censorship and Prior Restraint’

Justices to hear case over protests at military funerals

by   |  03.08.10  |  Free Speech, protest

Justices to hear case over protests at military funerals More »

N.Y. High School Sued for Disbanding Christian Student Club

by   |  02.26.10  |  Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause, student speech

N.Y. High School Sued for Disbanding Christian Student Club More »

Facebook gripes protected by free speech, ruling says

by   |  02.16.10  |  Free Speech, student speech

Facebook gripes protected by free speech, ruling says More »

Va. Tech paper may lose funding over online comments

by   |  02.13.10  |  student speech

Va. Tech paper may lose funding over online comments More »

Man Sues California Mall After Guard Arrests Him for Having Conversation About God

by   |  02.10.10  |  Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause, Private property

Man Sues California Mall After Guard Arrests Him for Having Conversation About Go More »

Student’s expulsion feeds debate on online rights

by   |  02.02.10  |  student speech

Student’s expulsion feeds debate on online rights More »

Law barring lies about military medals faces test

by   |  02.02.10  |  prior restraint

Law barring lies about military medals faces test More »

State high court upholds Net law to protect kids

by   |  01.28.10  |  Internet speech, Obscenity and Pornography

State high court upholds Net law to protect kids More »

Court eases business, union election spending rule

by   |  01.21.10  |  Commercial Speech, political speech

This is big news in the political speech arena. Essentially it appears the Court has settled on treating the political advertising more as political speech and less as advertising. More »

Court to decide if petition signers’ names public

by   |  01.15.10  |  Free Speech, Supreme Court, political speech

Court to decide if petition signers’ names public. More »