Archive for ‘Censorship and Prior Restraint’

PETA dresses in KKK garb outside Westminster Dog Show –

by   |  02.11.09  |  Free Speech, political speech

PETA dresses in KKK garb outside Westminster Dog Show More »

Lawmaker Presses for Free Speech in Student Blog Case

by   |  02.05.09  |  Current Events, student speech

Lawmaker Presses for Free Speech in Foul-Mouth Student’s Blog Case . More »

The right to insult?

by   |  02.01.09  |  Current Events, Free Speech, prior restraint

This is one of the dumbest things I’ve read in a long time. You can boil this column down to a single idea — offensive things that i agree with should be protected; other things should not be. You believe in free speech only if you defend things that offend you. More »

ACLU backs black author ticketed for using n-word

by   |  01.28.09  |  Free Speech, prior restraint, profanity

This story is reminiscent of Cohen’s jacket. It may be poor taste, but it can’t be illegal. More »

Ky. bill aims to protect student press

by   |  01.26.09  |  Current Events, prior restraint, student speech

Kentucky bill aims to protect student press. More »

ECA Posts List of Proposed Vid Game Regs

by   |  01.23.09  |  Current Events, Video Games, video game violence

The Entertainment Consumers Association has this list of legislation aimed at regulating video games. More »

Judge favors Burlington school in free speech case

by   |  01.23.09  |  Current Events, student speech

I suspect this will go on to an appeal. The standard for restricting student speech on campus is whether it is “disruptive” of the learning environment. Don’t see that here. More »

Are video game violence, real life violence linked?

by   |  01.23.09  |  Video Games, video game violence

Or aren’t they? More »

Supreme Court won’t revive online content law

by   |  01.21.09  |  Current Events, Internet speech, Obscenity and Pornography

SCOTUS won’t hear the a case involving the Child Online Protection Act, which was struck down by a trial court in 2007. In 2004, the court upheld an injunction that had prevented the law from going into force and indicated the law was probably unconstitutional. More »

Congressman Wants Health Warnings On Violent Games

by   |  01.20.09  |  Video Games, video game violence

Joe Baca’s legislation would require the following warning on violent video games: More »