Archive for ‘Censorship and Prior Restraint’

Lawyer Argues Sign Theft is Free Speech

by   |  01.20.09  |  First Amendment, symbolic speech

If this argument is true, lots of folks were expressing their free speech rights during the last election. More »

Colo. man charged with libel over Craigslist posts

by   |  12.02.08  |  criminal libel

Doubt this would hold up on appeal. More »

Women’s shelter cuts Bernhard after gang-rape line

by   |  10.01.08  |  prior restraint

Another celebrity silenced! More »

California lawmakers pass bill protecting journalism teachers

by   |  06.19.08  |  student speech

The above is the final issue of the year of the Shasta High School Volcano. Note the burning flag.

Thanks to Comm Law alumna Lori Bredemeyer for the heads up on this story. More »

Son Gets Detention for Wearing T-Shirt With Gun Image

by   |  03.11.08  |  student speech

Shades of Tinker or Fraser and “Bong Hits”? More »

Judge rejects students’ free-speech suit

by   |  02.18.08  |  student speech

Unmuzzling High School Journalists

by   |  01.14.08  |  prior restraint

New Jersey Supreme Court to Decide If Town Can Display Super-Sized Inflatable Rat

by   |  09.14.07  |  Commercial Speech, prior restraint

Scabby the Rat has gone to court elsewhere and usually won at the appeals level. The issue here is advertising regulations.

Baumgartner Appeals Bolstered By Fieger Free Speech Ruling

by   |  09.10.07  |  political speech

Free Speech, Minus the N-Word

by   |  09.08.07  |  Free Speech, profanity