Archive for ‘Libel’

Court revives Jews for Jesus libel suit

by   |  02.19.09  |  Current Events, Libel

We’ll talk about false light Tuesday, but you should also note the final sentence in this story: More »

SPJ Applauds Congress For Libel Tourism Hearing

by   |  02.12.09  |  Libel

We’ll talk about “libel tourism” sometime in the next two class periods. More »

… you might find her in court.

by   |  02.10.09  |  Current Events, Libel

Britney Spears’s former ‘manager’ sues star, parents. This story doesn’t detain anything I would consider libelous. The statements of fact have to be harmful to reputation. More »

Trying to Bulldoze Free Speech

by   |  01.28.09  |  Current Events, Free Speech, Libel

Trying to Bulldoze Free Speech More »

Mich. court upholds dismissal of libel suit against paper

by   |  01.27.09  |  Current Events, Libel

Mich. court upholds dismissal of libel suit against paper More »

Current events in libel law

by   |  01.23.09  |  Libel

I’ve gotten behind with the start of school and the conversion from Blogger, so here are some interesting recent stories and opinion pieces on libel: More »

World drops weekly newspaper, editor from libel lawsuit

by   |  01.21.09  |  Libel

Suing a competitor for libel probably wasn’t a great PR move for the Tulsa World. More »

Lobbyist Sues Times Over McCain Story

by   |  12.30.08  |  Libel

A victory for irony as Elton John loses Guardian libel case

by   |  12.14.08  |  British law, Libel

Yes, this man is concerned about his reputation:

New Jersey appellate court narrows fair report privilege

by   |  11.22.08  |  fair report