Archive for ‘Privacy’

L.A. Top Cop Raps Paps Reg

by   |  04.08.08  |  Privacy

Now that’s some old-time headline writing if a do say so myself. More »

Gannett subject of ‘false light’ libel case to go before state court

by   |  03.06.08  |  privacy: false light

Someone didn’t study in his communication law course. Evidence of “defamation” is not an element of false light. More »

Eatery owner forced to remove photo from window

by   |  09.26.07  |  privacy: appropriation

Dallas Family Sues Virgin Mobile for Illegal Use of Photo

by   |  09.21.07  |  privacy: appropriation

Here’s a discussion of the phone company’s larger problem.

Tom Brady Blitzes Yahoo!

by   |  12.07.06  |  privacy: appropriation

The Smoking Gun has some interesting lawsuit info. More »

Humiliated fraternity boys sue movie studio over drunken appearance in ‘Borat’

by   |  11.11.06  |  Mental Anguish and Emotional Distress, Privacy


by   |  05.29.00  |  Privacy, Supplemental Information


By Charlie Marler/Amended by Kenneth Pybus More »