Archive for ‘Copyright and Trademark’

‘Copying is Not Theft’

by   |  04.21.10  |  Copyright and Trademark

Hat tip to George Saltsman in the Adams Center for spotting this take on copyright: More »

Fair Use Is Not Enough: Using The Copyright Misuse Defense To Protect Free Speech

by   |  04.11.10  |  Copyright and Trademark, Free Speech

Fair Use Is Not Enough: Using The Copyright Misuse Defense To Protect Free Speech | Techdirt. More »

Copyright and Commandments

by   |  01.04.10  |  Copyright and Trademark

Today’s Frank & Ernest:
Frank & Ernest

Ex-lawmaker convicted of rape: Name is copyrighted

by   |  01.03.10  |  Copyright and Trademark

Ex-lawmaker convicted of rape: Name is copyrighted. More »

Copyright Criminals to Air Jan. 19 on PBS

by   |  01.03.10  |  Copyright and Trademark

Copyright Criminals to Air Jan. 19 on PBS. More »

U.S. Supreme Court wont hear appeal over Redskins name

by   |  11.16.09  |  Copyright and Trademark, Free Speech

An update  on the Redskins’ trademark naming story: More »

De Beers Wants Fake New York Times Site Taken Down

by   |  11.03.09  |  Copyright and Trademark

This is an old story, but it illustrates the use of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act to strike back at criticism. I think it’s a clear case, like the Ralph Lauren model case, of fair use. More »

From BoingBoing: The criticism that Ralph Lauren doesn’t want you to see!

by   |  10.21.09  |  Copyright and Trademark, Free Speech

Let’s definitely spend time in class tomorrow about how comments on a Web site about this ad fall under the Fair Use exception to copyright law. More »

Classic TV gets porn parody treatment

by   |  09.20.09  |  Copyright and Trademark, Obscenity and Pornography

Nothing’s sacred: ‘Classic TV gets porn parody treatment’ from Hustler Video Group, reports Variety. More »

American Indians look to high court

by   |  09.15.09  |  Copyright and Trademark, Current Events, Free Speech


A group of American Indians are going after the Washington Redskins — but they’re using trademark law to do it. More »