Archive for ‘Copyright and Trademark’

Holy Faulty Logic, Batman!

by   |  11.14.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

From Comm Law student Sara Potter… More »

The Dancing Baby Wins

by   |  11.06.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

Copyright Owners Must First Consider Fair Use Before Sending DMCA Takedown Notice More »

Bollywood producers defend ‘Hari Puttar’ film

by   |  08.31.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

Don’t forget Hari’s best friend, Juan Wheezlie. More »

Disney’s rights to young Mickey Mouse may be wrong

by   |  08.27.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

Fascinating story. We’ll come back to this later this semester. Below are Steamboat Willy and Mickey. More »

Pitt Peeved Over Paparazzi Pix

by   |  07.23.08  |  Copyright and Trademark, Privacy

There’s a whole lot going on in this letter, worthy for the 500th post to the Comm Law Blog. An attorney for Brad Pitt is threatening The Smoking Gun Web site with legal action if it publishes photos of Brad, Angelina Jolie and their new kids. More »

Internet story claiming two Oklahoma players arrested for drugs is a hoax

by   |  07.10.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

From Dr. Cheryl Bacon and son Michael. More »

Copyright roundup

by   |  06.20.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

Some interesting copyright developments: More »

A class of copyright thieves? A lawsuit over lecture notes

by   |  04.06.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

Hey, watch what you do with your lecture notes! More »

JRR Tolkien’s estate to sue New Line Cinema

by   |  02.12.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

Record Giants Pull out of Free Music Site

by   |  01.28.08  |  Copyright and Trademark