Archive for ‘Current Events’

Profane Language Puts Student Editor’s Job On Line

by   |  09.22.07  |  Current Events

I think this quote from the Collegian editor encapsulates his lack of writing ability and his contempt for his audience (or his lack of confidence in both): More »

Judge OKs ‘Hitler Youth’ Buttons to Protest School Uniform Policy

by   |  09.20.07  |  Current Events

Two Jurors Dismissed In Bridgeport Double Murder Case

by   |  09.14.07  |  Current Events

Wow. I see some significant free speech/journalistic ethics/Fourth Amendment issues going on here. More »

Tribe: New Content Regulations Betray First Amendment

by   |  09.14.07  |  Current Events

Laurence Tribe is one of the top constitutional law scholars. More »

School Rescinds Ban On Flag Clothing

by   |  09.13.07  |  Current Events

US court rules that free speech trumps copyright (sometimes)

by   |  09.11.07  |  Current Events

Lawrence Lessig is one of the preeminent lawyers arguing copyright and free speech area. We’ll talk about this more when we get to that area. More »

Activist’s case a free-speech test

by   |  09.10.07  |  Current Events

More on the Coronado case. How does the Brandenburg standard apply? More »

Sex, violence cram TV’s ‘family hour,’ study says

by   |  09.07.07  |  Current Events

24’s Jack Bauer is at the top of the list.

Church of England: Labour’s equality law denies Christians right to oppose homosexuality

by   |  09.07.07  |  Current Events

The British struggle with the freedom of religion issue. More »

Paris Hilton Sues Over Hallmark Card

by   |  09.07.07  |  Current Events