Archive for ‘Current Events’

U.S. complains to WTO on China

by   |  04.11.07  |  Current Events

I’m blogging from a copyright conference in Illinois today, but I wanted to point out this story related to international copyright that came out yesterday. More »

Court: MySpace postings are free speech

by   |  04.10.07  |  Current Events

This principle is being weighed in the “Bong Hits for Jesus” case. More »

Fur flies in Felix flap

by   |  04.09.07  |  Current Events

Judge denies media jurors’ names

by   |  04.09.07  |  Current Events

Libel award to chief judge knocked down $3 million

by   |  04.09.07  |  Current Events

War protester settles free-speech lawsuit

by   |  04.09.07  |  Current Events

This goes back to our discussions the first few weeks of class. More »

Report urges FCC to regulate TV violence

by   |  04.09.07  |  Current Events, broadcast decency

I missed this in February. More »

Is torture a "fair use"?

by   |  03.27.07  |  Current Events

Former Post gossip columnist sues billionaire Burkle, Clintons

by   |  03.22.07  |  Current Events

NFL fumbles DMCA takedown battle, could face sanctions

by   |  03.21.07  |  Current Events

YouTube is the frontier of copyright. More »