Archive for ‘Current Events’

Student speech cut short

by   |  06.21.06  |  Current Events

A Nevada school cut the microphone when a valedictorian started speaking about God in graduation. This situation is on the edge of the free exercise, establishment and free speech frontier. More »

Paramount suing over 9/11 flick

by   |  06.21.06  |  Current Events

The Smoking Gun often has some good copyright stuff. This includes the filings. More »

"Fair Report" Privilege in the Permian Basin

by   |  06.16.06  |  Current Events

The 11th Court of Appeals has dismissed a lawsuit Thursday against KWES-TV, the Odessa American and OA staff writer David J. Lee. The TV station and the newspaper reasonably relied on the police press release that they had arrested a sex offender who turned out not to be a sex offender. More »

"There’s always some other business model…"

by   |  06.15.06  |  Current Events

Law professor Eugene Volokh offers a pretty impressive and reasoned defense of intellectual property on his blog this week. More »

Prior restraint in England

by   |  06.15.06  |  Current Events

You’d think folks on both sides of the pond would tire of “titillating tell-alls” about the Prince of Wales and the rest of Britain’s royal family, but a former secretary is touting her tales of shenanigans within the House of Winsor.

However, Prince Charles’ lawyers are seeking to stop the book before it hits the racks. People reading these stories may end up believing the Prince is weird or something. More »

Fines going up for broadcast indecency

by   |  06.15.06  |  Current Events, broadcast decency

Someone let Janet Jackson know. More »

Protecting college journalists in California

by   |  05.17.06  |  Current Events

Former Comm Law student and Optimist ME Lori Bredemeyer sends this story along from California. You’ll recall the Supreme Court recently let stand a 2005 decision in Hosty v. Carter, in which the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals essentially said public universities can exercise control over campus newspapers if that newspaper has not become a designated public forum. More »

Funerals as a protected class?

by   |  05.17.06  |  Current Events

This from the Texas Legislature: More »

Libel in Maine

by   |  05.06.06  |  Current Events

ACU alum Bill Hobbs has an interesting post on his blog about libel in Maine More »

WWI sedition convictions pardoned

by   |  05.05.06  |  Current Events

This is interesting in light of the convictions upheld in Schenck, Debs and Abrams in 1919. Also makes me wonder whether Texas had similar convictions in 1918 among its German population. More »