Archive for ‘Current Events’

Navy chaplain facing court-martial for praying

by   |  05.04.06  |  Current Events

This is a classic Free Exercise clause case. More »

Connecticut House passes shield law

by   |  05.04.06  |  Current Events

The Perils of Copyright Violation

by   |  05.03.06  |  Current Events

Review Set On Judge’s No-Notes Order

by   |  05.03.06  |  Current Events

If this isn’t overturned on appeal, I’ll be shocked. Banning reporters from taking notes in an open hearing is certainly not among the Sheppard remedies. More »

The future of cinema

by   |  04.24.06  |  Current Events

James Cameron may be right. Linda Hamilton’s ex says the industry needs to adapt to technology rather than pin its hopes on copyright enforcement alone. More »

Copyright in the digital age

by   |  04.24.06  |  Current Events

The Digital Millennium Copyright Act faces some potential changes. More »

TV networks, stations challenge FCC indecency ruling

by   |  04.17.06  |  Current Events, broadcast decency

We’ll get into broadcast regulation after the next test. More »

Poetry and Profanity

by   |  04.17.06  |  Current Events

I would imagine the “disruptive” rule from Bethel v. Fraser and Tinker v. Des Moines would apply here to allow the poetic profanity. Don’t tell the English department, but if it doesn’t rhyme, I don’t think it’s good poetry. More »

Watch out for those professors

by   |  04.17.06  |  Current Events

Is it your free speech right to deny someone else’s speech? More »

Media in China

by   |  04.17.06  |  Current Events

The internationalization of the media creates some problems where media laws vary so widely. This story reports Rolling Stone had to cease Chinese publication after one issue because it didn’t have proper approval.