Archive for ‘Current Events’

The Code Remains Unbroken

by   |  04.07.06  |  Current Events

The author of The Da Vinci Code has won the copyright case against him by authors who wrote a similar book in the 1980s. It was EU copyright law, but I think the same result would arise in America.

Now if he can just learn to write a believable romance scene. More »

Bond’s Restraint Request Rejected

by   |  03.25.06  |  Current Events

A judge denied Barry Bonds’ bid to block the authors and publishers from making money on a book claiming the San Francisco Giants slugger used steroids and other performance-enhancing drugs, and said Bonds’ suit against them has little chance of success.

The worse news is that Houston Astros first baseman Jeff Bagwell may be out for good. More »

Is Oregon’s Beauty Unconstitutional?

by   |  03.25.06  |  Current Events

A judge has ruled Oregon’s restriction on billboards violates its own constitution. Commercial speech is at the bottom of protected speech, but it’s still protected. More »

A Monument to Free Speech

by   |  03.25.06  |  Current Events

This is like the JMC First Amendment Board, but probably not as funny. More »

It looks like the Internet is safe from FEC regulation for now…

by   |  03.25.06  |  Current Events

but political advertising is still an area open to regulation. More »

Religion in Plano

by   |  03.21.06  |  Current Events

The rule of thumb for restricting religious speech is that it has to be applied equally across the board. More »

It’s Pepsi v. Coke in commercial speech case

by   |  03.21.06  |  Current Events

Commercial speech cases often involve whether statements of fact can be substatiated. So the question is: Is Coke’s claim “the real thing” or is restricting these sorts of statements “the choice of a new generation”? More »

Choose Life is OK in Tenn.

by   |  03.20.06  |  Current Events

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled license plates are not a public forum, so states can have “Choose Life” without having to offer “My Body, My Choice.” More »

Britney libel case in limbo

by   |  03.20.06  |  Current Events

A judge said Thursday she needs more information before ruling on a motion by US Weekly magazine to dismiss a $20 million libel lawsuit filed against it by Britney Spears. More »

SCOTUS has rejected an online obscenity case

by   |  03.20.06  |  Current Events