Archive for ‘Current Events’

Law schools and free speech

by   |  03.10.06  |  Current Events

The Supreme Court lined up unanimously (sans Alito) against law professors who say forcing law schools to allow military recruiters on campus violates their free speech. More »

Wal-Mart doesn’t appreciate this logo

by   |  03.09.06  |  Current Events

They say it violates their trademark.

The Invisible Girl has issues with Playboy magazine

by   |  03.09.06  |  Current Events

This story reminds me of Cher’s problem with Forum running an interview originally intended for US magazine. Her lawyer’s letter to Playboy (available on The Smoking Gun here) references the tort of appropriation, which we have discussed. More »

Free Speech in London

by   |  03.01.06  |  Current Events

These cases of punishment for expression in Europe are interesting because to us in the United States, they seem so unthinkable. More »

Holocaust and free speech

by   |  03.01.06  |  Current Events

This is a good editorial discussing the uniqueness of American free speech theory. More »

Criminal libel on the way out in South Carolina

by   |  02.22.06  |  Current Events

Tea time for SCOTUS

by   |  02.21.06  |  Current Events

Supreme Court follows precedent in religious freedom case. Pass the hallucinogenic communion.

Google loses copyright decision

by   |  02.21.06  |  Current Events

Hosty stands

by   |  02.21.06  |  Current Events

Usually I don’t venture an opinion about the Supreme Court’s decision. But letting this Hosty decision stand is a bad one.

British historian pleads to speech crime

by   |  02.20.06  |  Current Events

Could you pass a law like this in the United States? Note also the libel case referenced at the bottom of the story. More »