Archive for ‘Current Events’

The Internet and Political Speech

by   |  11.06.05  |  Current Events

We make the point early in the semester that the Internet has protection equal to that of newspapers and books – simply put, the highest potential protection that exists. However, because political speech can be easily controlled if there’s any money involved, the Internet is potentially subject to the same control. I don’t know why that fails bother so many people who are in favor of free speech and the Marketplace of Ideas, especially those on the Supreme Court. More »

Are TV standards higher now?

by   |  11.06.05  |  Current Events

The Family Guy’s executive producer thinks he couldn’t do some things that he used to on the show. More »

Google’s Online library is up

by   |  11.03.05  |  Current Events

Google his installed the first phase of its controversial online library. Take a look and see what you can access. What do you think about it? More »

Libel in Boston

by   |  11.01.05  |  Current Events

From the Boston Herald: More »

Kraft and advertising

by   |  10.31.05  |  Current Events

Kraft Foods is cutting back on its advertising of the least healty kids foods – including Oreos – in an attempt to stave off federal regulation down the road. Alcohol and tobacco companies have been forced into that decision over the past couple of decades.

Alito it is

by   |  10.31.05  |  Current Events

The Freedom Forum likely will soon have a roundup of Alito’s free speech writings. Until then, here’s its basic story. More »

Is it Alito?

by   |  10.30.05  |  Current Events

The rumor going into Monday is that Judge Samuel Alito is President Bush’s pick to replace Sandra Day O’Connor. Thankfully for us The SCOTUS Nomination Blog has a good profile of him.

Watch the news tomorrow. Whomever is nominated, if someone is nominated, will make a good quiz question answer. More »

Not your mommaz nursing wear

by   |  10.28.05  |  Current Events

Hershey is seeking to block a pro-breastfeeding clothing maker from registering the name “Milkdudz” for its line of nursing wear.

This poses a good trademark question because Hershey conceivably never will get into the business of making clothes for women who nurse their babies. No the real question is one of trademark dilution.
More »

Prosecutor expected to indict today

by   |  10.28.05  |  Current Events

The conventional wisdom is that Lewis “Scooter” Libby will be indicted today for his involvement in the leaking of a CIA agent’s identity. Karl Rove, most guess, won’t. Journalists in Washington who benefit from leaks in Washington and elsewhere should not be happy about this. More »

Miers is out

by   |  10.28.05  |  Current Events

Harriet Miers withdrew her name from consideration as a Supremee Court Justice. Now the whole nomination process starts over again. More »