Archive for ‘Current Events’

Anti-tax crusader convicted

by   |  10.25.05  |  Current Events

This is partially an advocacy of illegal action case. Irvin Schiff wrote a book telling readers they didn’t have to pay their income taxes because the federal tax law was unconstitutional. The book was banned a few years ago, and Schiff was convicted Tuesday of tax fraud and tax evasion, which deal with more than just his advocacy. More »

Sweden is enforcing its copyright law

by   |  10.25.05  |  Current Events

… but the penalties aren’t very stiff. More »

Britney claims invasion of privacy

by   |  10.24.05  |  Current Events

Which of the four common privacy torts is Britney Spears claiming regarding the published pictures of her child?

Church and state in Big Spring

by   |  10.23.05  |  Current Events

A Church of Christ preacher in Big Spring has been teaching the religion class at the public high school in Big Spring, which is out near Midland. When we get to religion later in the semester, we’ll learn whether this meets the Establishment Clause rules. More »

Are violent video games protected?

by   |  10.19.05  |  Current Events

Video game makers are challenging a California law that bans the sale of violent video games to minors. Here’s the rub – it was signed into law on Oct. 7 by Gov. Arnold “The Terminator” Schwarzenegger.

Scientist can sue Times

by   |  10.19.05  |  Current Events

The Fourth Circuit has ruled an Army scientist IDed as an anthrax terrorist can sue The New York Times. More »

Miers hearings set to begin Nov. 7

by   |  10.19.05  |  Current Events

These will be the oddest hearings I’ve seen since Clarence Thomas. More »

There are no walks in Comm Law, but…

by   |  10.19.05  |  Current Events

The JMC Department will meet tomorrow to discuss reaccreditation efforts. That means our class will not meet. For Tuesday of next week, we will cover free press/fair trial. Read chapter 11 and chapter 12 in preparation. More »

Update: Miller testifies for shield law

by   |  10.19.05  |  Current Events

Judith Miller today will testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee in favor of a federal shield law for journalists. What do you think? More »

A real church-state debate

by   |  10.19.05  |  Current Events

Southern Hills Church of Christ in December will serve as the venue for an Abilene Independent School District debate tournament, as it has for several years. As the Abilene Reporter-News writes today, one student can’t attend because of religious convictions prohibiting entering another house of worship. More »