Archive for ‘Current Events’

Roberts on the First Amendment, and more

by   |  09.14.05  |  Current Events

During his first day of grilling by the Senate Judiciary Committee, John Roberts mentioned the case of Hague v. CIO, which I hadn’t read since law school. I went back to take a look at it. “Boss” Hague in Jersey City had banned the meeting of “communist” labor unions. The Supreme Court struck down the ordinance as violative of the First Amendment. More »

Replacing O’Connor

by   |  09.08.05  |  Current Events

The Wall Street Journal has a list of those, other than Gonzales, who might be on the short list to replace Justice O’Connor. She’s staying on until her successor is named. Among them is Janice Rogers Brown, a Pepperdine trustee and a member of the Malibu Church of Christ in California. More »

Florida court upholds veil ban

by   |  09.08.05  |  Current Events

This is a freedom of speech and a free exercise of religion case. More »

What can the celebrities say?

by   |  09.08.05  |  Current Events

After rapper Kanye West said “George Bush doesn’t care about black people” on a national live television feed, questions are arising whether Sheryl Crow, Alicia Keys, Paul Simon, Neil Young and the Dixie Chicks will be able to speak their peace during a telethon for Hurricane Katrina victims slated to air this week on six major U.S. networks and around the world.

Worries over Gonzalez

by   |  09.07.05  |  Current Events

Some on both sides of the isle are balking at an Alberto Gonzalez pick for Supreme Court.

Can the Patriot Act be used to boot the homeless out of the train station?

by   |  09.06.05  |  Current Events

Morristown, N.J., says yes. More »

"The Truth Lies" with NC-17

by   |  09.06.05  |  Current Events

Director Robert Lantos has criticized the Motion Picture Association of America because he expects its ratings arm to give his Kevin Bacon flick “Where the Truth Lies” an NC-17 rating, which would mean no children under 17. More »

Before the Roberts hearings

by   |  09.06.05  |  Current Events

This is a good column by George Will about the Roberts hearings and First Amendment interpretation. More »

This is a test of the Blogger software

by   |  09.05.05  |  Current Events

Blogger has this service that allows you to blog by simply e-mailing
the entry. If this message shows up, it works. More »

John Roberts for (Chief) Justice

by   |  09.05.05  |  Current Events

President Bush has elevated his nominee for Justice to a nominee for Chief Justice of the United States. (Note the official title is not Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.) More »