Archive for ‘Current Events’

ALA: Books challeged more in 2004

by   |  09.04.05  |  Current Events

The American Library Association says challenges to library books rose significantly during 2004. More »

William H. Rehnquist, RIP

by   |  09.04.05  |  Current Events

William Rehnquist, Chief Justice of the United States, died Saturday at his home of complications from thyroid cancer. He was 80 years old. Read the AP story as well as a story from the Freedom Forum that details his impact on First Amendment law. More »

Ars Gratia Graffiti?

by   |  08.31.05  |  Current Events

New York pulled the permit for a group that was exhibiting graffiti art on images of subway cars, and the New York Civil Liberties Union objected. A judge sided with the art promoter.

On the Supreme Court nomination process

by   |  08.30.05  |  Current Events

Here’s an Orlando Sentinal columnist’s take on upcoming hearings for Supreme Court nominee John Roberts. More »

The interesting thing about Justice Scalia…

by   |  08.30.05  |  Current Events

… is that the things he says that bother some, hearten others. Today he criticized the concept of a ‘living Constitution.’

He also lamented the recent role courts have played in settling moral arguments. Read the whole thing. More »

It’s good to have some limits…

by   |  08.29.05  |  Current Events

According to this story from the Daily Mail, More »

Justin wins libel case to match Cameron

by   |  08.24.05  |  Current Events

Another American wins in British court:

Britain’s News of the World has agreed to pay an undisclosed sum to wardrobe malfunctioner Justin Timberlake for saying he was having an affair – cheating on Cameron Diaz. More »

Campus Crusaders

by   |  08.23.05  |  Current Events

If you’re interested in doing research on speech restrictions on college campuses, the Freedom Forum has a good post on FIRE, an organization that challenges many restrictions on public college campuses. More »

Can Pat Robertson really say that?

by   |  08.23.05  |  Current Events

Pat Robertson offers a unique suggestion regarding differences with the Venezuelan government. Venezuela wonders what’s the U.S. government going to do about it? More »

Sister Furong: Threat or Menace

by   |  08.23.05  |  Current Events

We discussed free speech in China today in Comm Law, and here is an example of China regulating something that falls outside the – um – traditional areas of Internet regulation. Apparently Sister Furong disturbs some people in the party heirarchy.