Archive for ‘Current Events’

7th Circuit: Administrators can control school pub content

by   |  06.27.05  |  Current Events

The Seventh Circuit ruled that unless a public university has designated a newspaper a public forum, administrators can exercise editorial control, a la high school students in Hazelwood (1988). It’s essentially a rejection of a three-judge panel decision in 2001 in Hosty v. Carter. We’ll see how far it goes. More »

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions

by   |  06.26.05  |  Current Events

The U.S. Supreme Court is expected to rule Monday at 10 a.m. on the issue of whether states can place the Ten Commandments on their capitol lawns. (And I don’t mean the movie with Charlton Heston.) Kentucky and Texas both have monuments to the Decalogue. It also will rule on whether Grokster can be held liable for the fact that so many people put its technology to use – gasp – for illegal purposes.

Here’re my guesses: More »

FCC Indecency Policy Statement (PDF)

by   |  04.28.05  |  Current Events, broadcast decency

I told a student I would post this. It’s very explicit in its description of what is and isn’t indecent over the air. More »

When the Blogger Blogs, Can the Employer Intervene?

by   |  04.18.05  |  Current Events

The New York Times reports (registration required) employers can get pretty testy with employee blogging, especially when the bloggers are bashing the boss. As the article states, the First Amendment protects most speech from restriction, but it doesn’t protect us from the consequences of our speech. More »

Comm Law Brunch

by   |  04.18.05  |  Current Events

The second annual Comm Law Brunch will be at 9:30 a.m., Sat., April 23, at my house, 2002 Marathon, for members of the Spring 2005 Comm Law class. Anyone else who wants a breakfast burrito from me needs to schedule a different time… More »

W stands for legal wrangling

by   |  04.18.05  |  Current Events

The logo designed by a Wichita Falls resident and the RNC’s logo: More »

Copyright tampering or cleaning up?

by   |  04.17.05  |  Current Events

The Wall Street Journal has a good wrap on the debate over third-party altering of Hollywood’s movies for family viewing. More »

Possibility of a federal shield law

by   |  04.16.05  |  Current Events

There’s been a lot of talk about passing a federal shield law. The current proposal is troubling because it sets journalists apart from other citizens when it comes to testifying in court and, for that reason, it must define journalists. (See Section 2.) Bad idea. More »

Web trademark rights depend on content

by   |  04.16.05  |  Current Events

The Ninth Circuit has ruled a Web site using the name of another company in its Web address has not violated U.S. trademark law if the Web site is one of protest and comment rahter than commerce. Generally, a name must be used in commerce by both sides to be a violation. More »

Study shows support for blog censorship

by   |  04.16.05  |  Current Events

The good thing is most people equate bloggers with the media when it comes to rights. Though they take the news media more seriously. Ouch. More »