Archive for ‘Current Events’

GOPers Introduce Bills Opposing Fairness Doctrine

by   |  01.23.09  |  Current Events, fairness doctrine

Camille Painter Turner, a JMC grad, sent me info on this story regarding attempts by Republicans in the House and Senate to stave off any reapplication of the Fairness Doctrine. More »

Jump in FBI child porn cases leads to lab backlog

by   |  01.23.09  |  Current Events, Obscenity and Pornography, sex in media

WASHINGTON (AP) – Auditors say the FBI’s stepped up effort to fight Internet child pornography has led to an evidence backlog in the bureau’s computer labs. More »

`American Idol’ sues Texas strip joint

by   |  01.23.09  |  Current Events

Comm Law alum Rolando Gutierrez passes this story along. More »

ECA Posts List of Proposed Vid Game Regs

by   |  01.23.09  |  Current Events, Video Games, video game violence

The Entertainment Consumers Association has this list of legislation aimed at regulating video games. More »

Judge favors Burlington school in free speech case

by   |  01.23.09  |  Current Events, student speech

I suspect this will go on to an appeal. The standard for restricting student speech on campus is whether it is “disruptive” of the learning environment. Don’t see that here. More »

Dutch Lawmaker, Charged With Insulting Islam, Fears Prison Sentence

by   |  01.22.09  |  Current Events, Europe, Free Speech

Cases like this make me wonder why some people extoll the virtues of European law. More »

Supreme Court won’t revive online content law

by   |  01.21.09  |  Current Events, Internet speech, Obscenity and Pornography

SCOTUS won’t hear the a case involving the Child Online Protection Act, which was struck down by a trial court in 2007. In 2004, the court upheld an injunction that had prevented the law from going into force and indicated the law was probably unconstitutional. More »

US Democrat backs advertising limits for medicines

by   |  12.09.08  |  Current Events

Libel suit against JuicyCampus users dropped

by   |  11.20.08  |  Current Events

Law professor fires back at song-swapping lawsuits

by   |  11.17.08  |  Current Events