Student gets last word in speech suit

by   |  01.28.09  |  Current Events, Free Speech

Yuba College had established a public forum and its “free speech hour” policy violated that forum. Here‘s the story. More »

Judge Explains Why He Allowed Reporter to Live Blog Federal Criminal Trial | ABA Journal – Law News Now

by   |  01.28.09  |  Current Events, Free Press/Fair Trial, Open Government

Judge Explains Why He Allowed Reporter to Live Blog Federal Criminal Trial More »

ACLU backs black author ticketed for using n-word

by   |  01.28.09  |  Free Speech, prior restraint, profanity

This story is reminiscent of Cohen’s jacket. It may be poor taste, but it can’t be illegal. More »

Trying to Bulldoze Free Speech

by   |  01.28.09  |  Current Events, Free Speech, Libel

Trying to Bulldoze Free Speech More »

GateHouse, New York Times Co. settle copyright lawsuit

by   |  01.27.09  |  Copyright and Trademark, Current Events

News “scalping” has become a valuable source of data for some major sites. The decision below is a good one for smaller providers of information: More »

Mich. court upholds dismissal of libel suit against paper

by   |  01.27.09  |  Current Events, Libel

Mich. court upholds dismissal of libel suit against paper More »

Ky. bill aims to protect student press

by   |  01.26.09  |  Current Events, prior restraint, student speech

Kentucky bill aims to protect student press. More »

GOPers Introduce Bills Opposing Fairness Doctrine

by   |  01.23.09  |  Current Events, fairness doctrine

Camille Painter Turner, a JMC grad, sent me info on this story regarding attempts by Republicans in the House and Senate to stave off any reapplication of the Fairness Doctrine. More »

Jump in FBI child porn cases leads to lab backlog

by   |  01.23.09  |  Current Events, Obscenity and Pornography, sex in media

WASHINGTON (AP) – Auditors say the FBI’s stepped up effort to fight Internet child pornography has led to an evidence backlog in the bureau’s computer labs. More »

`American Idol’ sues Texas strip joint

by   |  01.23.09  |  Current Events

Comm Law alum Rolando Gutierrez passes this story along. More »