Democratic candidate sues Tenn. lawmaker for libel

by   |  11.19.08  |  Libel

Press standards to be investigated by parliamentary select committee

by   |  11.19.08  |  British law, Libel

Law professor fires back at song-swapping lawsuits

by   |  11.17.08  |  Current Events

Holy Faulty Logic, Batman!

by   |  11.14.08  |  Copyright and Trademark

From Comm Law student Sara Potter… More »

California law restricting video game sales on shaky ground

by   |  11.14.08  |  video game violence

The Ninth Circuit heard arguments a couple of weeks ago in the latest case to challenge restrictions on the purchase of violent video games. California makes the same arguement that has been unsuccessful everywhere else — that Ginsberg v. New York’s “variable obscenity” doctrine can be applied to violence as well as sexual content. The problem with that argument is there’s no underlying level of violence that is obscene (and unprotected) for everyone. More »

Two Related Stories Regarding Google Book-Scanning

by   |  11.14.08  |  Current Events

Google, Publishers, and Authors Settle Huge Lawsuit Over Book-Scanning Project More »

Catching up on some interesting libel stories

by   |  11.12.08  |  Libel

A little libel history
In the early to mid-1980s, a flurry of libel lawsuits was unleashed against the media by some high-profile personalities More »

Court Rules Game Manufacturers Have Free Speech Rights

by   |  11.10.08  |  Current Events

So, I’m a sucker for video game current events. Usually it’s violence; but today it’s copyright. More »

Wally Butts

by   |  11.09.08  |  Comm Law Characters


See also Wally Butts eats his Wheaties More »

Roy Orbison

by   |  11.09.08  |  Comm Law Characters
