‘Bong Hits 4 Jesus’ Case Settled for $45,000

by   |  11.06.08  |  Current Events

Criminal libel charged in Pueblo

by   |  11.03.08  |  Current Events

I imagine this law is unconstitutional. Why it is would be a good test question. More »

Beyond the Fairness Doctrine

by   |  10.30.08  |  Current Events, fairness doctrine

We’ll spend a good bit of time after the next exam talking about the Fairness Doctrine, because it is an issue in the upcoming election. Of course, we’ll talk about it after the election is over. More »

California violent-video-game law faces showdown in federal appeals court

by   |  10.28.08  |  video game violence

You know, when I started playing Doom in the early 1990s, I had no idea it would precede a great national effort to regulate violence in media.

More »

False Light Struck Down in Florida

by   |  10.28.08  |  Current Events

Tech initiative aims to protect privacy, free speech online

by   |  10.28.08  |  Current Events

France to halt games when anthem is booed

by   |  10.15.08  |  Current Events

Could this be protection of a “venerated symbol”? More »

Bush signs RIAA-backed intellectual-property law

by   |  10.14.08  |  Current Events

We should discuss this in class Thursday. More »

More on Libel Tourism

by   |  10.14.08  |  Current Events

Free Speech Is Not a Political Issue

by   |  10.14.08  |  Current Events

I wouldn’t necessarily agree with extending free speech rights to all private property (especially when my kids starting calling me names), but there’s some interesting prior restraint history here. More »