Profane Language Puts Student Editor’s Job On Line

by   |  09.22.07  |  Current Events

I think this quote from the Collegian editor encapsulates his lack of writing ability and his contempt for his audience (or his lack of confidence in both): More »

Dallas Family Sues Virgin Mobile for Illegal Use of Photo

by   |  09.21.07  |  privacy: appropriation

Here’s a discussion of the phone company’s larger problem.

Judge OKs ‘Hitler Youth’ Buttons to Protest School Uniform Policy

by   |  09.20.07  |  Current Events

Time magazine to fight Suharto libel ruling

by   |  09.14.07  |  Libel

Two Jurors Dismissed In Bridgeport Double Murder Case

by   |  09.14.07  |  Current Events

Wow. I see some significant free speech/journalistic ethics/Fourth Amendment issues going on here. More »

Everyone’s jumping on the media violence bandwagon

by   |  09.14.07  |  sex in media

The Massachusetts Medical Society adopted a resolution related to violent and sexually explicit television programming. Here’s language from its release: More »

Tribe: New Content Regulations Betray First Amendment

by   |  09.14.07  |  Current Events

Laurence Tribe is one of the top constitutional law scholars. More »

New Jersey Supreme Court to Decide If Town Can Display Super-Sized Inflatable Rat

by   |  09.14.07  |  Commercial Speech, prior restraint

Scabby the Rat has gone to court elsewhere and usually won at the appeals level. The issue here is advertising regulations.

School Rescinds Ban On Flag Clothing

by   |  09.13.07  |  Current Events

US court rules that free speech trumps copyright (sometimes)

by   |  09.11.07  |  Current Events

Lawrence Lessig is one of the preeminent lawyers arguing copyright and free speech area. We’ll talk about this more when we get to that area. More »