Democrats block amendment to prevent Fairness Doctrine

by   |  07.14.07  |  Current Events, fairness doctrine

I hope someone will do a Fairness Doctrine paper next semester. More »

Man Freed After Flag Desecration

by   |  07.14.07  |  Current Events

This comes from former Comm Law student Blessed Matai. More »

ACLU sues city over Jesus painting

by   |  07.04.07  |  Current Events

Lawsuit could unmask restaurant critic

by   |  07.03.07  |  Current Events

I turned this case into a good test question last semester. More »

Fairness Doctrine rears its ugly head

by   |  06.25.07  |  Current Events, fairness doctrine

SCOTUS splits on free speech

by   |  06.25.07  |  Current Events

In FEC v. Wisconsin Right to Life, the Supreme Court ruled portions of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance law unreasonably limits speech and violates First Amendment rights. More »

Manhunt 2 Rejected by BBFC

by   |  06.21.07  |  Current Events

Banned and troubled video games would be a good research paper topic. More »

‘Law & Order’ Video Game Pulled After Mother Spots Slain Toddler’s Image

by   |  06.21.07  |  Current Events

Here’s the image:

US court rejects FCC broadcast decency limit

by   |  06.05.07  |  Current Events, broadcast decency

This bodes ill for efforts to regulate violence by the FCC. More »

Eagle Pass wild media facing heat

by   |  05.13.07  |  Current Events