Liberate political speech

by   |  01.30.07  |  Current Events

The L.A. Times sounds off on McCain-Feingold. More »

Jailed NYT reporter testifies in Libby trial

by   |  01.30.07  |  shield laws and the reporter's privilege

Paris Hilton sues Web site

by   |  01.30.07  |  Current Events

OK, when you make it your business to make your business everyone else’s business, do you have any business giving some businesses the business? More »

Flag flap spurs student forum

by   |  01.28.07  |  Current Events

All I have to say is WWTD. (What would Tinker do?)

On a slightly related note, Jacqueline Duty (right) was banned from her high school prom in 2004 for wearing this homemade homage to her confederate forbears. She filed suit later that year, but I don’t know where it’s gone from there. More »

Are funeral protests "fighting words"?

by   |  01.28.07  |  Current Events

The Chaplinsky case, which we’ll cover on Thursday, doesn’t seem to cover what the author of this column is talking about. Still, it’s a common argument, so it’s worth reading even if it’s a little long. More »

Republican: Scripts need reviewing

by   |  01.28.07  |  Current Events

Texas Mayor Singles Out N-Word for Ban

by   |  01.24.07  |  Current Events

Mayor Ken Corley: “But it is a national issue, and I would like the city of Brazoria to take a leadership role throughout the nation in banning the use of this word.” More »

Judge OKs ‘Choose Life’ License Plates

by   |  01.23.07  |  Current Events

Gag order is sought on Devlin interviews

by   |  01.23.07  |  Current Events

SCOTUS to take another swing at McCain-Feingold

by   |  01.20.07  |  Current Events

In the original decision ruling McCain-Feingold was constitutional, handed down three years ago, the Supreme Court found concerns about money in politics to override free speech concerns. More »