California AG agrees: California law does not preclude private citizens from displaying Confederate battle flag at county fairs – The Washington Post

by   |  05.23.17  |  Free Speech

A California county fair had concluded the contrary in 2015. More »

Kentucky court rejects government attempt to punish printer for refusing to print ‘Lexington [Gay] Pride Festival’ T-shirt – The Washington Post

by   |  05.23.17  |  Free Speech

Say that the Westboro Baptist Church comes to a printer — a printer who supports gay rights, or who is gay himself, or who just thinks the Westboro belief system is appalling — and demands that he print a “Westboro Baptist Church Pride” T-shirt. Should the government be able to punish the printer for refusing, on the theory that this constituted impermissible religious discrimination in public accommodations? More »

Opinion | On Finland, the United States, and the freedom of information and of the press

by   |  05.23.17  |  Free Press

Who protects freedom of information and of the press better? How do we figure it out? More »

Houston rapper Travis Scott arrested at Arkansas concert – Houston Chronicle

by   |  05.14.17  |  Free Speech

No discussion here on what constitutes incitement, but Brandenburg v. Ohio tells us. More »

High school recalls yearbooks over student’s ‘build that wall’ quote

by   |  05.14.17  |  student speech

Richmond Early College High School is a predominantly white public school in Hamlet, North Carolina, with 214 students. More »

Richard Simmons Sues National Enquirer Over “Cruel” Sex-Change Story | Hollywood Reporter

by   |  05.08.17  |  Libel

In a libel complaint, the fitness star says the publication knew its source wasn’t credible and that he has “a legal right to insist that he not be portrayed as someone he is not.” More »

A 14-year-old girl who became famous overnight is feuding with Walmart – Houston Chronicle

by   |  05.05.17  |  Copyright and Trademark, Privacy

[youtube ZrtSOTGNqA8]

If there is any question about the decline of Western civilization, this video settles it. More »

Families of San Bernardino shooting sue Facebook, Google, Twitter

by   |  05.04.17  |  Free Speech

Family members of three victims of the December 2015 shooting rampage in San Bernardino, California, have sued Facebook, Google and Twitter, claiming that the companies permitted Islamic State to flourish on social media. More »

Circuit Court Nominees In The Trump Administration: A Nationwide Round-Up | Above the Law

by   |  05.04.17  |  Supreme Court

Names, names, and more names, for federal judgeships around the country. More »

TABC Changes What it Means to Be a Beer | The Texas Tribune

by   |  05.04.17  |  Commercial Speech, Free Speech

This is an old story (2012), but I was reminded of it by a decision in Florida about whether a dairy couldn’t call its skim milk “skim milk” unless it added Vitamin A to the skim milk. More »