A Monument to Free Speech

by   |  03.25.06  |  Current Events

This is like the JMC First Amendment Board, but probably not as funny. More »

It looks like the Internet is safe from FEC regulation for now…

by   |  03.25.06  |  Current Events

but political advertising is still an area open to regulation. More »

Religion in Plano

by   |  03.21.06  |  Current Events

The rule of thumb for restricting religious speech is that it has to be applied equally across the board. More »

It’s Pepsi v. Coke in commercial speech case

by   |  03.21.06  |  Current Events

Commercial speech cases often involve whether statements of fact can be substatiated. So the question is: Is Coke’s claim “the real thing” or is restricting these sorts of statements “the choice of a new generation”? More »

Choose Life is OK in Tenn.

by   |  03.20.06  |  Current Events

The 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled license plates are not a public forum, so states can have “Choose Life” without having to offer “My Body, My Choice.” More »

Britney libel case in limbo

by   |  03.20.06  |  Current Events

A judge said Thursday she needs more information before ruling on a motion by US Weekly magazine to dismiss a $20 million libel lawsuit filed against it by Britney Spears. More »

SCOTUS has rejected an online obscenity case

by   |  03.20.06  |  Current Events

Law schools and free speech

by   |  03.10.06  |  Current Events

The Supreme Court lined up unanimously (sans Alito) against law professors who say forcing law schools to allow military recruiters on campus violates their free speech. More »

Wal-Mart doesn’t appreciate this logo

by   |  03.09.06  |  Current Events

They say it violates their trademark.

The Invisible Girl has issues with Playboy magazine

by   |  03.09.06  |  Current Events

This story reminds me of Cher’s problem with Forum running an interview originally intended for US magazine. Her lawyer’s letter to Playboy (available on The Smoking Gun here) references the tort of appropriation, which we have discussed. More »