Free Speech in London

by   |  03.01.06  |  Current Events

These cases of punishment for expression in Europe are interesting because to us in the United States, they seem so unthinkable. More »

Holocaust and free speech

by   |  03.01.06  |  Current Events

This is a good editorial discussing the uniqueness of American free speech theory. More »

Criminal libel on the way out in South Carolina

by   |  02.22.06  |  Current Events

Tea time for SCOTUS

by   |  02.21.06  |  Current Events

Supreme Court follows precedent in religious freedom case. Pass the hallucinogenic communion.

Google loses copyright decision

by   |  02.21.06  |  Current Events

Hosty stands

by   |  02.21.06  |  Current Events

Usually I don’t venture an opinion about the Supreme Court’s decision. But letting this Hosty decision stand is a bad one.

British historian pleads to speech crime

by   |  02.20.06  |  Current Events

Could you pass a law like this in the United States? Note also the libel case referenced at the bottom of the story. More »

Libel in Pennsylvania

by   |  02.18.06  |  Current Events

This story involves contenting political side in Pennsylvania, but there’s some good reference to the law of libel. More »

Pair of Brits win libel cases

by   |  02.16.06  |  Current Events

Performer Elton John and politician George Galloway prevailed in libel disputes against the Sunday Times and the Daily Telegraph, respectively. Se the stories here and here.

I made the point in class today that it’s much easier to win a libel verdict in England than it is in the United States, especially if you’re a public figure. Here are three key differences: More »

Libel in Europe

by   |  02.15.06  |  Current Events