Cartoonist mulls libel

by   |  02.13.06  |  Current Events

Ted Rall, who drew the cartoon above last year, may not fully understand American libel law.

Libel in France

by   |  02.09.06  |  Current Events

One of the main differences between American and European libel law is that here libel is a civil affair. That is it’s not a legitimate prior restraint. More »

Germany and Nazi humor

by   |  02.09.06  |  Current Events

A World Cup rematch of World War II has Germany clamping down on offensive speech by Brits. More »

More on the Danish cartoons

by   |  02.06.06  |  Current Events

Below are three perspectives on the cartoon brouhaha in Europe and the Middle East. At left is another of the cartoons that has been most often mentioned.

Tolerating the Intolerable, the Times Online (London) More »

The Guardian’s Timeline of Free Speech

by   |  02.05.06  |  Current Events

The Guardian, one of London’s many newspapers, has a good timeline of free speech history. You’ll recognize many entries as events we’ve discussed in class. More »

Student essay draws secret service investigation

by   |  02.03.06  |  Current Events

What do President Bush, Oprah, Coke and Wal-Mart have in common?

Comm Law housekeeping

by   |  02.03.06  |  Current Events

I have returned the research paper prospecti electronically. Use the feedback to improve your research papers. More »

A false light opportunity

by   |  02.03.06  |  Current Events

The Reporter-News reminds us today that it’s important to know where your graphics come from in the newspaper.

It takes registration, but it’s free. More »

Howard Stern and the Pirates

by   |  02.02.06  |  Current Events

Stern’s show, which moved to Sirius Satellite, apparently has been posted online. More »

Two ejected from speech for T-shirt protest

by   |  02.01.06  |  Current Events

War protester Cindy Sheehan and the wife of a Florida representative were removed from the State of the Union speech last night for wearing T-shirts with slogans on them.