Free speech according to Bill Gates

by   |  02.01.06  |  Current Events

Bill Gates says government action to regulate the Internet’s content will fail. More »

Samuel Alito has been confirmed …

by   |  01.31.06  |  Current Events

… and sworn in as a Justice on the Supreme Court of the United States. The vote was 58-42, somewhat closer than I expected.

Regret the Error

by   |  01.30.06  |  Current Events

This blog has near-daily recipes for libel lawsuits. More »

A free speech backlash for the Danes

by   |  01.29.06  |  Current Events

Here’s one of the cartoons:

Privacy in Texas

by   |  01.26.06  |  Current Events

In 2003, the Dallas Observer ran a story that identified a man with HIV. The identified person sued under a Texas law that included penalties for those who disclosed the results of HIV tests. More »

Alito update

by   |  01.26.06  |  Current Events

It looks like Samuel Alito will be confirmed later today for the U.S. Supreme Court. More »

Chinese Google drill

by   |  01.26.06  |  Current Events

Google will be censoring a list of topics for Internet users in China. More »

The War on Sedition

by   |  01.24.06  |  Current Events

This is a must-read for those studying the regulation of speech and expression. It’s opinion, but it contains reference to important concepts in media law. More »

WB and UPN to become The CW

by   |  01.24.06  |  Current Events

The alphabet soup of TV mediocrity is thyinning with the merger of Warner Brother’s WB and CBS’s UPN. This is important because FCC rules prohibit the top networks from merging. But CBS still can own secondary networks. More »

Sam Alito goes to the full Senate

by   |  01.24.06  |  Current Events

The Senate Judiciary Committee has recommended, 10-8 (along a party-line vote), that Judge Samuel Alito be approved as a Supreme Court Justice. More »