Dems question Alito’s impartiality in case

by   |  11.10.05  |  Current Events

Samuel Alito’s confirmation hearings won’t begin until January, but Senate Democrats have questions about his participation in a case involving Vanguard, a mutual fund company where Alito has investments. More »

Judith Miller is out at the Times

by   |  11.10.05  |  Current Events

From the New York Times: More »

Are TV and radio raunchier or are we just complaining more?

by   |  11.10.05  |  Current Events

Complaints to the FCC for the past three months were up four times what they were the previous quarter.

Couple that with this story on a Kaiser Family Foundation report that there’s more sex on television. More »

Does being on the Web make you a public figure?

by   |  11.10.05  |  Current Events

A Florida judge threw out a libel lawsuit because the plaintiff involved has had substantial coverage on the Web, though none in print. She was unable to show actual malice. Interesting, though I think this is a minority view. More »

A Religious Freedom Issue

by   |  11.07.05  |  Current Events

I think the L.A. Times is registration-only, so I’m reposting this story in its entirety for educational purposes: More »

Grokster Shuts Down

by   |  11.07.05  |  Current Events

Grokster has ceased operations as part of a settlement with the entertainment industry in light of the Supreme Court decision from last spring. More »

Don’t download, especially at Gramps’

by   |  11.06.05  |  Current Events

The Internet and Political Speech

by   |  11.06.05  |  Current Events

We make the point early in the semester that the Internet has protection equal to that of newspapers and books – simply put, the highest potential protection that exists. However, because political speech can be easily controlled if there’s any money involved, the Internet is potentially subject to the same control. I don’t know why that fails bother so many people who are in favor of free speech and the Marketplace of Ideas, especially those on the Supreme Court. More »

Are TV standards higher now?

by   |  11.06.05  |  Current Events

The Family Guy’s executive producer thinks he couldn’t do some things that he used to on the show. More »

Google’s Online library is up

by   |  11.03.05  |  Current Events

Google his installed the first phase of its controversial online library. Take a look and see what you can access. What do you think about it? More »