Toy giant Hasbro is trying to trademark the smell of Play-Doh

by   |  04.11.17  |  Copyright and Trademark

How much is a smell worth? A lot, it seems, to multinational toy company Hasbro. Last month, the group submitted an application to trademark the distinctive scent of Play-Doh in the US. The application to the US’s Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), covers all toy modelling compounds. More »

Andy Warhol Estate Sues over Image of Prince | Hollywood Reporter

by   |  04.08.17  |  Copyright and Trademark

The pop artist’s estate is suing in an effort to avoid being sued itself. More »

Hollywood’s Dirty Little Secret to Beat Defamation Lawsuits: Statute Designed for Underdogs

by   |  03.23.17  |  Libel

The entertainment industry just chalked up another victory armed with a potent legal tool: California’s SLAPP law. More »

Lawmakers seek to close ‘Boeing’ loophole in Texas public info law – Houston Chronicle

by   |  03.23.17  |  Open Government

Some state lawmakers are aiming to close an open records loophole in light of a 2015 Texas Supreme court ruling that allows governments to withhold records turned over to agencies by businesses who claim releasing the information would put them at a competitive disadvantage. More »

Is asking IRS agents to leak President Trump’s tax return a crime (and constitutionally unprotected)? – The Washington Post

by   |  03.23.17  |  Free Speech

It may well be constitutionally unprotected solicitation of crime, though the law in this area is vague. More »

Argument preview: Court to consider social media access for sex offenders – SCOTUSblog

by   |  03.23.17  |  Free Speech

In April 2010, Lester Packingham’s traffic ticket was dismissed, prompting him to take to Facebook to celebrate. He posted that “God is Good! How about I got so much favor they dismissed the ticket before court even started? No fine, no court costs, no nothing spent . . . Praise be to GOD, WOW! Than More »

Opinion | ‘Sex and the Constitution’: Sexual expression before the moralists invented obscenity

by   |  03.23.17  |  Obscenity and Pornography

“From the early 19th century to the present, moral and religious concerns over sexually-oriented expression have played a central role in legal and constitutional debates about freedom of speech in the United States.” More »

Magazine Must Face ‘Welfare Queen’ Libel Claims

by   |  03.22.17  |  Libel

The Texas Supreme Court rejected a Dallas magazine’s bid to dismiss a lengthy battle over defamation claims brought by a woman it referred to as a “welfare queen” in a 2013 article. More »

Trump’s Supreme Court Nominee Cites His Decision in A&E Case in Query Over Libel Laws

by   |  03.22.17  |  Libel

Neil Gorsuch was asked at Tuesday’s Senate confirmation hearing whether he agreed with the precedent for libel and defamation. More »

Businesses oppose legislation limiting public information exemptions

by   |  02.28.17  |  Open Government

Businesses opposed SB 407 and SB 408 at a public hearing, arguing that open records requests could put them at a competitive disadvantage. More »