Freeing IP orphans through copyright reform?

by   |  04.16.05  |  Current Events

Hat tip to Kelly Haseltine of the Spring Comm Law class: More »

Eminem’s bully pounded from court

by   |  04.16.05  |  Current Events

The bully Eminem wrote about in his song “Drain Damage” (I listen to it every day) has been told he can’t sue for false light. More »

The Power of Coffee

by   |  04.12.05  |  Free Speech

I have planned two Coffee House Thursday events during the Maymester Comm Law trip to Oxford. During the late 1600s and early 1700s in England, the coffee house became the center of free exchange of opinion and discussion, much like dinner clubs in Germany and wine salons in France. They were the initial laboratories of the marketplace of ideas concept. More »

Scalia: Don’t write off true-believing Christians

by   |  04.10.05  |  Current Events

Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Thursday: “One can be sophisticated and believe in Jesus as in some way a ‘son of God.’ But to believe in traditional Christianity is something else. To believe Jesus was God and was born of a virgin … surely those who adhere to those beliefs are regarded in educated circles — maybe in the South, it’s different — are regarded as simple-minded.” More »

An indecent proposal

by   |  04.05.05  |  Current Events, broadcast decency

Rep. F. James Sensenbrenner III, R-Wis., says making indecency criminal rather than regulatory would be more effective. Cable industry executives favor relf-regulation. I favor turning off the television. More »

Strenghtening FOIA won’t be easy, Cornyn says

by   |  03.31.05  |  Current Events

Texas Sen. John Cornyn is making great efforts to improve access to federal information. The proposed legislation, co-sponsored by Sen. Patrick Leahy, calling for a panel to study it can be found here. More »

Is there no such thing as neutral reportage?

by   |  03.29.05  |  Current Events

The U.S. Supreme Court has allowed Pennsylvania public officials to sue the media over the false accusations of their political opponents. More »

PBS, Buster and the Iraq War

by   |  03.23.05  |  Current Events

The question should not be whether PBS has pulled back from covering things in an “edgy” way, which assumes some sort of bias. Instead, isn’t it time to question why the government is still involved in television programming? More »

Chron wins SCOTex libel case

by   |  03.22.05  |  Current Events, Libel

Three Smith County prosecutors failed to show actual malice in a case over a June 2000 story in the Houston Chronicle. According to the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press: More »


by   |  05.29.00  |  Privacy, Supplemental Information


By Charlie Marler/Amended by Kenneth Pybus More »