Wearing Unearned Military Medals Is Free Speech, Court Says – US News

by   |  01.13.16  |  Free Speech

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A federal appeals court on Monday tossed out a veteran’s conviction for wearing military medals he didn’t earn, saying it was a form of free speech protected by the Constitution. More »

Hip-Hop Stars Support Mississippi Rapper in First Amendment Case – The New York Times

by   |  01.09.16  |  Free Speech

We’ll talk about the plight of Mr. Bell, and the question of the constitutionality of his discipline by the school district may come up again later in the semester… More »

Judge Rules Navajo Case Against Urban Outfitters Can Continue | KNAU Arizona Public Radio

by   |  01.07.16  |  Free Speech

A federal court judge has reaffirmed that the Navajo Nation can continue its lawsuit against Urban Outfitters Inc. under the Indian Arts and Crafts Act. More »

Ruling Upholding Offensive Trademarks Could Give Redskins a Boost – Law Blog – WSJ

by   |  01.07.16  |  Free Speech

In a First Amendment ruling that could give a boost to the Washington Redskins’ legal battle over its name, a federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that the government can’t reject trademarks for being disparaging or offensive. More »

Court ordered a billionaire businessman not to speak online about a rival businessman, and to remove posts about him – The Washington Post

by   |  01.07.16  |  Free Speech

Yesterday, the Florida Court of Appeal held that the injunction violated the First Amendment. But such injunctions have become common, and often stay in place when the speaker lacks David’s financial resources and thus can’t hire a lawyer for an appeal. More »

“A Port Arthur pediatrician has been punished by the Texas Medical Board after the Board found she engaged in sexual contact with a patient”

by   |  01.04.16  |  Libel

“A Port Arthur pediatrician has been punished by the Texas Medical Board after the Board found she engaged in sexual contact with a patient”. More »

Rolling Stone wants lawsuit over debunked gang-rape article dismissed

by   |  12.30.15  |  Libel

Rolling Stone Magazine’s lawyers filed a motion to dismiss a lawsuit by three former members of the fraternity maligned by the publication in a now-retracted article alleging a gang rape. The three former members of the University of Virginia chapter of the Phi Kappa Psi fraternity claim in their lawsuit that they were easily identified as potential rapists in Rolling Stone’s expose. The students claim their names and hometowns were listed online following the article, and that their names will forever be associated with the alleged gang rape. Attorneys for Rolling Stone dispute this, writing No reasonable reader would understand from the article and the proffered extrinsic evidence that plaintiffs are identified as the perpetrators. More »

Texas Can Deny Tax Breaks to Films it Doesn’t Like, Appeals Court Rules

by   |  12.29.15  |  Free Speech

I’m curious whether the rationale in Walker v. Sons of Confederate Veterans  has any applicability in this case. (As tempted as I have been, I’ve never seen Machete or the sequel.) More »

Bill Cosby files countersuit against seven women in defamation case

by   |  12.15.15  |  Free Speech

Actor and comedian Bill Cosby on Monday sued seven women who had accused him of defaming them, saying they lied when they accused him of sexual assault. More »

GAO hits EPA for ‘covert propaganda’ to promote ‘waters of the United States’ (WOTUS) rule – The Washington Post

by   |  12.15.15  |  Free Speech

The EPA used social media to bolster political support for a controversial expansion of its own regulatory authority, and violated federal law in the process, according to the Government Accountability Office. More »