Lawsuit protesting religious reference in Texas pledge reaches appeals court

by   |  12.04.09  |  Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause, student speech

Lawsuit protesting religious reference in Texas pledge reaches appeals court More »

FTC: Video game industry did better than movies and music at shielding kids from violent content

by   |  12.04.09  |  video game violence

FTC: Video game industry did better than movies and music at shielding kids from violent content More »

Researcher: NASA hiding climate data

by   |  12.03.09  |  FOIA

Researcher: NASA hiding climate data More »

Judge OKs Los Angeles realtor couple $6 million libel suit over CSI episode

by   |  12.03.09  |  Libel

Judge OKs Los Angeles realtor couple $6 million libel suit over CSI episode. More »

Judge dismisses libel lawsuit against Dixie Chicks

by   |  12.03.09  |  Libel

The Associated Press: Judge dismisses libel lawsuit against Dixie Chicks. More »

Supreme Court rejects case of valedictorian who mentioned Jesus

by   |  11.30.09  |  Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause, student speech

Supreme Court rejects case of valedictorian who mentioned Jesus More »

Trial Over Death Threats Could Test Free Speech Rules

by   |  11.27.09  |  First Amendment, Free Speech, Internet speech

Trial Over Death Threats Against Federal Judges Could Test Free Speech Rules Online. More »

Google apologizes for results of Michelle Obama image search

by   |  11.25.09  |  Free Speech, Internet speech

Google apologizes for results of Michelle Obama image search More »

Anti-Obama billboard in suburban Denver, Colorado stirs controversy

by   |  11.24.09  |  First Amendment, Free Speech

Anti-Obama billboard in suburban Denver, Colorado stirs controversy More »

Bigger U.S. Role in Broadband Is Likely

by   |  11.19.09  |  FCC, Free Speech, Internet speech

Bigger U.S. Role in Broadband Is Likely More »